Here's what we look for when we're out on an eating adventure:
Menu: A good menu leaves you thinking: "When can we come back so I can try something else?"
Taste of the Food: Obvious but important. Does the food taste great?
Appearance of the Food: We're not too big of sticklers in this area, but it needs to look appetizing. (No school-cafeteria slopping it on!)
Restrooms: Let's be honest, if you go out to eat with kids you're probably going to use the restroom. We do understand that restaurant bathrooms are a public place, so we grade on a curve.
Atmosphere: Is it inviting? Do you feel at home? How cool is it? (Bonus points for old buildings!)
Service: Do the staff at the restaurant take care of you?
Ethical/Sustainable: We think it's important to take care of people and the environment even while you're making great food. This is a tough one to rate, but local suppliers and ethical sourcing are the biggest things we look for.
Pricing: What you could expect to pay when eating at this restaurant.